Holistic Wellness Lounge
Float 3 Pack - 60 Minutes
Valid for 12 months
Floating or float therapy (also known as sensory deprivation) is the practice of experiencing a truly unique state of bliss and relaxation while actually floating in our world-leading epsom salt water floatation tank. There is nothing else like it.
Floating is healthy, relaxing, restful, safe and clean. There are numerous health benefits related to skin, muscles, joints and more. The state of mental relaxation that can be achieved in a short period of time is unmatched.
Soothe is the only float spa in the Albany, Georgia area. You really have to try if for yourself. Life is better after a float.
Clients report numerous physical benefits associated with floating. The epsom salt mixture is high in magnesium content which is something many people are deficient in. Improved skin, hair and nails including skin elasticity and moisture retention.
The buoyancy of the epsom salt water promotes a feeling of weightlessness which can help relieve pressure on your spine and joints. This restoring atmosphere also assists your brain to unplug from the daily stressors of life.
Improved sleep is also a reported benefit for those who regularly float. Magnesium deficiency is often related to not getting enough sleep. Most continue to see related benefits as they make float therapy part of their wellness routine.
Life Is Better After A Float
Skin, Muscles & More
Open & Relaxing
Safe & Sanitary
Our float tank features the latest technology in modern float features. Filtration and sanitation is a top priority. The floating space is also quite large and open.
Water is undergoing constant filtration twenty-four hours a day, seven days per week, in between floaters. Other float therapy tanks filter at around thirty microns. Our floatation system filters water down to an amazing one micron. This is incredibly small - about one-hundred times smaller than the diameter of an average follicle of human hair!
One popular creature comfort included is the soft LED lights that allow the environment to be as light, dark or add color as desired. Even though a very low-light atmosphere is recommended. A floating neck support may also be used for added comfort and support.
The float tank itself is very open and spacious. At almost nine feet long by 5 feet wide, there is plenty of room to stretch out and relax without feeling cramped for space. The tank lid features easy open strut supports and can remain fully open, closed or partially closed.
Floaters at Soothe are in total control of their float experience.